Thursday, January 7, 2010

Typing French Accents on my Mac

Even though I am using a US English keyboard, I still have the ability to type French-accented characters.  Here are the five accents and how to enter them:

  1. Accent aigu (e.g. é) - press Option and e (this gives you the accent), release both keys, then type the letter you want the accent on.  In this case, type e.
  2. Accent grave (e.g. à) - press Option and ` (this gives you the accent), release both keys, then type the letter you want the accent on.  In this case, type a.
  3. Accent circonflexe (e.g. û) - press Option and i (this gives you the accent), release both keys, then type the letter you want the accent on.  In this case, type u.
  4. Accent tréma (e.g. ë) - press Option and u (this gives you the accent), release both keys, then type the letter you want the accent on.  In this case, type e.
  5. Cédilla (e.g. ç) - press Option and c.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much I could not figure out how to do it otherwise.
