Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Add Ubuntu Netbook Remix to an Existing Ubuntu Installation

I have been using Ubuntu on my MSI Wind U100 for over 6 months.  I cannot believe     it has taken me this long to take a closer look at the Netbook Remix.  For some reason, I thought it was yet another linux distribution that I did not want to install and wipe any of my existing partitions.  It was not until this week that I stumbled on an article on Maximum PC called "How To: Become a Linux Netbook Power User".  Next thing you know, I am installing the Netbook remix packages.

Here are the steps I took to update my Ubuntu installation:
1)  Add package repositories to Ubuntu
a) Click System > Administration > Software Sources.
b) Check the box next to "Community-maintained Open Source software (universe).
c) Go to the "Third-Party Software" and click the "Add" button and enter these 2 entries
deb jaunty main
deb-src jaunty main
d) Close the window, and when prompted, choose to allow Ubuntu to refresh its list of packages.

2)  Install Ubuntu Netbook Remix packages
a) Open a terminal window (by clicking Applications > Accessories > Terminal.
b) type sudo apt-get install go-home-applet human-netbook-theme maximus netbook-launcher window-picker-applet and enter.  You will need to enter your password.

3)  Now that the packages are installed on the system, add 2 programs to startup.
a)  Click System > Preferences > Startup Applications.
b)  Click Add.
c)  Add /usr/bin/netbook-launcher in the program field and Netbook-Launcher for the name.
d)  Add another with usr/bin/maximums in the program field and Netbook-Launcher2 for the name.

4)  Log out or reboot to see your new desktop.

5)  To maximize the real estate on your screen,
a)  Right-click the bottom bar, and select Delete This Panel.
b)  Right-click the top bar, and select Add to Panel...
c)  Add Window Picker, Go Home and Window Selector.

It's already a success!  My kids already like the new desktop as they can easily find the games!

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