Friday, January 15, 2010

How To Use Remote Disc On Any Mac

When MacBook Air Notebooks were introduced, a new feature called Remote Disc was introduced to allow access to a CD/DVD drive as the MacBook Air did not come with an optical drive.  You can now enable this feature on any Mac

How To Use Remote Disc On Any Mac:

On the Mac sharing the optical drive,
1)  Go to  > System Preferences.
2)  Click Sharing icon.
3)  Select the checkbox DVD or CD Sharing.

On the Mac using the Remote Disc,
1)  Open a Terminal Session and run both these commands
defaults write EnableODiskBrowsing -bool true
defaults write ODSSupported -bool true
2)  Reboot.
3)  Open  Finder.  You should see Remote Disc on the left under Devices.

This will give you read access to the optical drive.  You will not be able to use the driver as a burner.

To undo,
1)  Open a Terminal Session and run both these commands
defaults write EnableODiskBrowsing -bool false
defaults write ODSSupported -bool false
2)  Reboot.

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