Tuesday, January 12, 2010

How to Change Screenshot Default File Format in Snow Leopard

When you take a screenshot in Snow Leopard, the file is saved as a .png by default.  This default is the same for Tiger and Leopard.  Suppose you wanted the file as a jpg, pdf, gif, tif, pict, bmp or some other format.  You can convert to another file format, but why?  Why not capture the screenshot in the format you want right from the start.

To save screenshots as a .jpg file by default,
1)  Open a Terminal session
2)  Enter the following
defaults write com.apple.screencapture type jpg
3)  You can restart or enter the following in the same Terminal session
killall SystemUIServer

Once you make this change, you need to restart your machine for the change to take effect. But once you do that, all future screenshots will be saved using the file format of your choice.

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