Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My Own ESXi Server Part 13 Adding/Removing a VM to ESXi

In my previous posts, I showed how to create a new VM (Part 9 Creating a VM) and how to download a VM (Part 10 Downloading a Virtual Machine).  Before long, you will accumulate many VMs and may not need them all.

How to Remove a Virtual Machine from Inventory List

1)  Using the vSphere Client, select the VM.  Right-click and choose either Remove from Inventory or Delete from Disk.  Remove from Inventory will remove the virtual machine from the inventory list but leave the underlying directory of files in the datastore.  On the other hand, Delete from Disk will remove from inventory as well as delete the directory from the datastore.

Removing a Virtual Machine is obvious, but adding one is not!

How to Add a Virtual Machine to Inventory List

1)  Using the vSphere Client, switch to the Summary tab.

2)  Select the appropriate datastore.  Right-click and select Browse Datastore.

3)  The Datastore Browser will open up.  Navigate to the virtual machine directory you want to add.

4)  Select the .vmx file.  Right-click and select Add to Inventory.

5)  Enter a name for this virtual machine.  Click Next.

6)  Select resource pool and click Next.

7)  Click Finish.

8)  Close Datastore Browser.

9)  You should now see your VM added to the Inventory List.

Related Posts:
Part 1  The Time Has Come
Part 2  Running ESXi on VMware Fusion
Part 3  Building My ESXi Server
Part 4  Installing ESXi 4 on a USB Stick
Part 5  Installing vSphere Client on Windows
Part 6  Updating ESXi using vSphere Host Update Utility
Part 7  Browsing the VMware ESXi Datastore
Part 8  WinSCP to the Rescue
Part 9  Creating a VM
Part 10  Downloading a Virtual Machine
Part 11  Running vSphere Client from Ubuntu
Part 12  Running vSphere Client from Mac OS
Part 13  Adding/Removing a VM to ESXi
Part 14  Export in ESXi
Part 15  Deploying OVF Templates
Part 16  Adding a License Key

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