Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What a Difference TextWrangler Makes!

This week I was playing around with different Related Posts widgets for my blog and was trying to figure why I was getting a double title from one of the widgets.  I was looking at the Page Source for different pages and of course I ended up needing to compare 2 files to see the differences.  As this is the first time I needed to do this on a Mac, I had to search a little.  What a find....TextWrangler!  I have definitely heard of it before as well as its creator Bare Bones.  It was a no-brainer for me and I immediately stopped looking for alternatives.  TextWrangler did a great job placing the files side-by-side with a summary of the differences below.  All I needed to was click any of the difference and it would jump to the appropriate place in each file for me to view.

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