Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I previously indicated that I had installed and was using OmniDiskSweeper.  I found another product called DiskInventoryX that does the same function but presents in information in a more colourful manner.

Disk Inventory X is a disk usage utility for Mac OS X 10.3 (and later). It shows the sizes of files and folders in a special graphical way called "treemaps".

Once you start DiskInventoryX, choose a volume and click Open Volume.
Once the space usage has been evaluated you will be presented with a treemap.

In the left pane, the folders are ordered by the ones taking the most space.  You can select any folder and right-click and select Show Files in Selection List. Up pops a new window with the directory details.

You can drill down the directories either graphically or via the directories to start your cleanup!

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