Friday, March 12, 2010

Why did it take me so long to start using Dropbox?

Why did it take me so long to start using Dropbox?  I certainly understood what it is capable of doing and heard many people raving about it.  Perhaps, I did not know what problem it solved for me!  Being concerned with security, I am not planning on using for anything personal, financial or confidential.  What then can I use it for?  I thought this could be a good place for me to put computer manuals and software tools that I use often.  I could then have them kept in sync across all the different machines I use and that would mean Mac, Windows and Linux.

I started testing using Dropbox on Mac, Windows and Linux.  I have been blown away so far!  My use case is simple.  In the past, I would either use a usb drive to copy data from one machine to another.  Or I would log in one machine and connect to another and copy files across.  With Dropbox, all I need to do now is create a set up on each machine I use, then all I need to do is drop files into the drop area on one machine and I can pick it up on another.  As soon as I remove the files on one machine, the others show a message that the files have been deleted.  The sync is amazingly fast.

I can see using this as a way to keep documents handy all the time.  I am planning on keeping various computer documents here for reference.  Notice that I still do not plan on keeping anything personal, financial or confidential ..... at least not yet.

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