Monday, February 1, 2010

Accessing a FTP Server from a Mac using Cyberduck

In my previous post, if  you are using Finder to access a FTP Server on a Mac you ran into the limitation of not being able to upload files.  To work around this, you can use a FTP Client of your choice.  I will recommend you use Cyberduck.  Cyberduck ia an open source FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, Cloud Files & Amazon S3 Browser for the Mac OS X.

Accessing a FTP Server from a Mac using Cyberduck
1)  Download and install Cyberduck.
2)  Start Cyberduck by going to Applications and double-click the
3)  You will now see 2 being the main screen and the other is the file transfer screen.

4)  The default protocol is set to FTP, which is what we want.  Fill in the fields for Server, Username and Password and click Connect.

5)  Now that you are connected, you will see the default folder.  In this example you might notice that you have logged into a Mac FTP Server.

6)  You can now complete upload and downloads by drag files to and from this remote folder connection.

7)  To disconnect, click the Disconnect icon on the top right hand corner of the Main screen.

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