Thursday, February 11, 2010

How to Change the Folder's Icon in Mac OS X

In my previous post Place Most Frequently Used Folders in OSX Dock, I placed several of my most frequently used folders in the dock.  In order to help distinguish the folders, I changed the icon for each of the folders.

To change the icon for a folder:
1)  Navigate to the icon file you want to stamp on the folder and click to select it.  Note that you can also select any other existing volume, application, folder or file that has an icon you want to copy.

2)  Perform a Get Info (Command-i or File > Get Info or Right-click > Get Info).

3)  Click the icon in the upper-left corner of the Get Info window, and copy the icon (Command-c or Edit > Copy).

4)  Navigate to the folder whose icon you want to replace.  Perform a Get Info (Command-i).

5)  Click the icon in the upper-left corner to select it.

6)  Replace the icon (Command-v or Edit > Paste).

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