Monday, November 30, 2009

Keeping Dashboard Widgets on Desktop

Since my mac mini is connected to a 24" monitor, I have a lot more real estate to work with compared to a laptop or my old 19" monitor.  So why not keep some useful widgets on my desktop rather than bringing up the Dashboard with F12.  After I googled a bit, I found that there are some freeware that could do the job....but I really wanted a solution just using Snow Leopard.  I found one!

Moving a Dashboard Widget to Desktop:
  1. Activate the Dashboard development mode.  Open a Terminal session, and type defaults write devmode YES and Enter.
  2. You can either logout and login again or type killall Dock in the same Terminal session.
  3. Press F12 to activate the Dashboard
  4. Click and hold to drag the widget to be moved.  Press F12 and release mouse button.
Only steps 3 - 4 needs to repeated to move additional widgets to the desktop.  Note that F12 is the default key for activating the Dashboard.

Moving a Dashboard Widget from the Desktop Back to the Dashboard;
  1. Click and hold to drag the widget to be moved.
  2. Press F12 and release mouse button.
  3. Press F12 to get back to the desktop.

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