Thursday, November 26, 2009

What is Windows 7 - XP Mode?

So you have heard all the hype around Windows 7 and the geek in you wants to upgrade from Windows XP.  You buy a new laptop with Windows 7 or you upgrade an existing desktop to Windows 7....and then you realize that some critical software you use do not have an upgrade version yet (or at least for now).  What do you do now?

Windows 7 has a feature called XP mode that rescue this situation.  XP Mode will allow you to run your XP-supported application right inside of Windows 7.  in In order to run XP mode, these requirements must be met:
1) Your computer must have a cpu that supports hardware virtualization and it must be enabled in the bios.  Microsoft provides a tool to help you determine if your hardware meets this requirement.  As far as I can tell, VMware Fusion 3 does not support XP Mode running in Windows 7.
2) You must be running Windows 7 Professional, Ultimate or Enterprise Edition,

You can download it here from Microsoft.

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