Monday, November 23, 2009

Riding the Google Wave - Take Two

As I am trying to learn how to use the wave, it continues to change in response to feedback from early invitees.

Whenever you click on a public wave, it used to automatically start staying in your inbox.  Before you know it, they were clogging up everyone's inboxes.  Now when you see a public wave that you are interested in and want updates, you can choose to follow by clicking the Follow button in the wave toolbar.  If you no longer want to Follow, you can click the Unfollow button.  There is also an option to Archive a  public wave in your inbox.  This only temporarily removes it from your inbox, and will return when there is an update.

I still have a few public waves in my inbox that I viewed earlier today.  They show as unfollowed, and as I understand they will leave my inbox as they get updated.  I will keep eye on this.  I will also Archive some of these and would not expect them to return.

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