Friday, December 18, 2009

Data Liberation of Google Data

When I first started writing, my intention was to capture tips on tools that I experimented with in Windows, Mac and Linux environments.  Little did I know that just over a month after I began, about half my posts are Google-related.  It seems that Google is constantly releasing new products or adding significant features to their existing products.  I am extremely happy that Google is providing products that intrigued me enough to give them a try.  In doing so, Google is capturing more and more of my personal data......and that worries me!  Can I trust Google with their "Do no evil"?  Maybe I CAN or maybe I CAN'T!

I started to think more about all my data scattered in various Google products.  As a reminder, all I need to do is revisit my post on Google Dashboard to give me a quick summary.  I am heavily invested in Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Docs and now Blogger.  I know that I have some of my data backed up locally, but definitely not all.

I came across a website called Data Liberation that was founded by members of an engineering team at Google.  Their singular goal is to make it easier for users to move their data in and out of Google products.  

For most of their products, there is documentation on how to help free my data from Google should I wish to do so.  My current intentions is not to migrate my data elsewhere (at least not yet) but rather to find a way to back up my data.

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