Monday, December 21, 2009

Backing Up My Blogger Blog

In my previous post, I noted that Data Liberation provided a way for me to back up this blog.  They propose that I can use the export function to create a backup of my blog.  I do believe that it will capture all the texts and comments of the post, but I am not sure that it will capture any of my images.  In addition, I believe I will still need to take a copy of my blog template.

I have decided to implement the following backup plan:
1)  Full backups using HTTrack website copier.  As an alternative, you can also use the export function within Blogger plus take copy of blog template.
2)  Incremental backups using the BlogSend Address  and Comment Notification Email features within Blogger.

BlogSend Address
Under Settings > Email & Mobile, there is a BlogSend Address that can be used to automatically send blogs posts to my email address whenever they are posted.  I can use a filter to automagically file them into folders.

Comment Notification Email
Under Settings > Comments, there is a Comment Notification Email whenever someone leaves a comment on the blog.

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